Sunday, June 27, 2010

sweat test

Still need to analyze the data, but went for 1 hour 44 minutes...a little over 11 miles and lost 4 lbs of water. Didn't drink anything except 4 oz (pretty much a sip) the entire run. Although I was pretty slow, I was proud to say that I only stopped one time to take that sip - I ran all the hills and when I got home, I still had a little left in me.

So at some point, I am going to sit down and figure out how much water, salt and gu/food, I will need per hour in the heat/humidity of today.


  1. Amazing Christina!, I don't think I could do that on a day like today. This should give you a ton of confidence for your runs. Really impressive.

  2. Nice run and none too slow. I wonder if I can still run...?

  3. I did this yesterday too and it is interesting to see how much water you really lose if you don't replace it.
