Saturday, June 12, 2010

Had to get moving plus readjustment test

Today was a full day of lacrosse! Fun! All 3 going in different directions. Got home around 3:30 and was ready to do something. Went to the gym and did the 30 minute bike while watching the England vs. USA soccer match...exciting! Got in 10.79 miles, heartrate 129, avg mph 21.3...mostly at level 14/15.

Then downstairs to do the 50 25# thrusters for time. Usually I like to do the weight WODs first and then the cardio, but today, I wanted to get my legs warmed up before doing those squat thrusters. Time was 2.24. Managed to get to 30 without breaking and by 37, my legs were doing the shaky, shaky.

Came home, started dinner, but then decided to go ride my bike for a test run. Yesterday I took it to Cycling Concepts to get a refitting. I had sent Dan a picture and told him of my shoulder soreness and he noticed that I was sitting way back on my saddle (which I do mostly for the whole race) because it's the most comfortable for my tush. So, after an hour, he ended up lifting my aerobars a good deal, pulling them back a bit and also making them slightly wider.

When I rode today, it was definitely a wierd feeling, but I felt so much more relaxed in the upper body and not like I was stretching so far to reach the aerobars. Hopefully it'll be a good thing. Happy that I went! Took a 5.5 mile spin...lovely.