Thursday, February 18, 2010

2 1/2 WODs

So I needed to get to the gym badly. I could actually have biked at home, but just felt like getting out. Mixed it up today a bit. I was supposed to swim, but didn't get to the pool. So I did the first workout which was 5 min bike/1 off/10 min bike/1 off/ 15minute bike - and noted distance - total was 12.37 miles. I was pretty happy with that on the stationary bike at the gym (yes, the same one I've used for all the other rides)- it seems to match up fairly closely with my trainer times at home. Anyway, averaged 24.7 mph, climbed 7000+ ft, and average heartrate was 157.

# 2- 5/5/5/5/5 back squats. Hadn't done these in a while and was not looking forward to them. Started with 95lbs and did okay. Pushed it to 105 and held that for 4 rounds. Probably could have been a bit lower to the ground with the squat. Happy with the weight though as I looked back on the last time I did these and I couldn't put up 105 more than one time.

#3 - after that i thought about going to the pool but then remembered that it was probably closing early for HS practice. I wasn't ready to go home just yet, so I tried to think of another WOD that I might have missed. I almost got it but not quite. It was supposed to be the 21/18/15/12/9/6/3 thruster-burpee combo, but I forgot a few numbers..ended up doing 45# thrusters/burpees for 21/15/9/3 (i thought the numbers descended by 6). oh well...still painful and got what i needed from it. 170+ heartrate and time was 9:54. Don't know how Jane and some of you other folk did it so quickly with the extra rounds. The burpees did not feel so good after thrusters, nor did thrusters feel any good after burpees....vicious cycle of hell.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome work Christina. Way to get back into the swing. Bike and squat work is super impressive!
