Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Thank goodness for Spearmint Gum!

Too beautiful not to bike outside...went for a 40K and ended up a little longer doing the 25 mile loop that I'm used to. PR of 1:25.18..average mph 17.5. Last time I did it, the time was 1:25.50 so a small improvement, but I'll take it.

There was a first for me out there today - hence the title of my post - I only ate 1/2 a peanut butter & jelly sandwich before heading out and as I was climbing Rt. 20, there was a bit of burping which let to some vomiting (just a little). It happened two more times over the course of the ride. The gum helped take the taste out of my mouth. Should probably have had a gu or some sort of nutrition on the ride, but couldn't do it. Strange...since I didn't feel sick at all.


  1. I thought I shared everything, but this takes the cake.

  2. Hey Christina, I am not laughing at you, believe me, I have been there. I always have gum w/me for that very reason. I also think that we all have stories, some more descriptive than others - makes it more interesting, don't you think.

  3. A little vomit in your mouth is all part of the IM experience :).

  4. Christina

    After my Crossfit WOD yesterday I can fully relate to your experience. Way to tough it out & complete the ride!!

  5. What's a little vomit between friends! I had the same experience at Rev3 last year, except I was in the lake!
