Thursday, May 6, 2010

swim and WOD

3000 yd swim...main set:
5 x 100's kick/swim
50/100/150/200/200/150/100/50 - 50's on :45
:38, 1:20/2:04/2:45/2:43/2:04/1:19/:38 - phew tired
3x150's on 2:30 pull w/ paddles: 2:09, 2:09, 2:05

CF WOD - 50 step ups, 40 box jumps, 30 sit ups, 20 pushups, 10 burpees x 2 - time of 12:16. Heart rate in the 180's. Legs were fried by the last set of burpees.


  1. That CF circuit sounds great, even though I really don't do boxjumps. I am tired just reading about it and just saw I have it on for May 23rd.

  2. great quotes on your blog mainpage.

  3. I dream of swimming half as fast as you!
