Saturday, July 10, 2010

45min TT & WOD

I had told myself that I'd get up early this morning to get the 45 minute bike TT in since it was supposed to rain. When the alarm went off at 5:55, I peeked outside and it was sunny. So instead, I went back to sleep until 7:30.

Got going around 8. Decided to do a hilly route to sweat it out and get the legs working. Went down West mountain, and up Drybridge to Bahre ?? Road and then East Mtn Rd to North Mountain you notice all the roads with the word "mountain" in it? So when I hit the bottom of Shingle Mill, I knew I just crank it out until I got home since it was fairly flat and rolling.

Overall, my average speed was 18.3 for 13.5 miles.

2nd WOD - 5 pushups (knee)/10 situps/15 squats - 20 min AMRAP: 19 full rounds, 5 push ups, 8 situps.

1 comment:

  1. I love sleeping in on Saturday. If I get up before 8 its just too early :). Nice ride this morning!
