Sunday, March 28, 2010

Race Report for ODMarathon

YAY! I survived....barely. Man, I thought going to NJ to do 26.2 would be easier than any other place considering the land is pretty flat when you are at the shore. I was a bit wrong in that it was one of the windiest runs I've ever just never let up. I would cross over these bridges that connected the shore towns and feel as if I was standing still.

Anyway, with all that said, it is done and in a time of 4:29 which I am fairly happy with for now. I ended up doing the first 13 in 1:59. It felt pretty good up through mile 10, but then many people dropped off since there was a 10miler race and then it was fairly quiet running for the remainder of the time. The Ocean Drive marathon only had about 600-700 runners doing it, so we were pretty spread out over 26 miles. At one point, I was all alone on a street lookin' around to make sure I was still on the race course.

After mile 13, I was running directly into the wind going toward the beach...but keep plugging through at a pretty steady pace. Between miles 16 and 23, I don't remember much - just sort of looking ahead for an aid station (which there were not enough of) or the next mile marker. It was mile 23 that kicked me in the butt...i stopped quickly to walk and my calf seized up so badly that i went down fast (but gracefully)...many who ran by asked if i was okay - it took me a few minutes to get the cramp out and back at it i was...only 3 to go, but i was so careful, knowing that at any point that it could happen again.

I got across the finish line and felt a range of emotions...tears for how exhausted i was, but also for how proud i was to finish it. the other part of me had tears knowing that i will eventually have to do this after swimming 2.4 miles and biking 112. i anticipate a lot more walking.

overall, i did not walk much and thankfully, i did not have any stomach issues at all...only one visit to the bathroom to pee at mile 18. i obviously was dehydrated and also felt like i did not have enough nutrition in me. the water stations were 2.5 miles apart and only one station had gu. i had gone through all of mine and needed quite a few more for the rest of the race, but only oranges and bananas were to be found. that is one thing i will be much better at for Lake Placid-taking in adequate nutrition...i think that's probably why my calf cramped so badly.

As for the rest of me, I'm not in as much pain as I thought I'd be, but it's only been a few hours. I will say that the quads are doing great thanks to all of my CF sessions (thanks hubby!) - it's the feet and calves that are feeling most of it.

So, with all that said, i am soooo ready for rest. Until tomorrow...


  1. Christina, that's an awesome time given the conditions! Reminds me alot of my first mary which was Hyannis. Very lonely time out there after all the half marathoners dropped off and I had the same calf cramping problems too. You won't believe me right now, but the marathon you run at LP will be a very different experience from the stand alone one you ran today. It'll be easier mentally and physically. That has been my experience anyway...

    Congrats on getting one done!

  2. Christina, I'm so proud of you! You rock! I was thinking of you all day during the cert. and waiting on the news. I'm happy that you finish and the time is great considering the wind and all the rest. Keep trying, keep trying, never give up, never give up.

  3. Great work Christina, very impressive time for a first marathon and a windy one too!

  4. Great job - race support is so important and you are right LP will be very different. It is a very emotional experience. Advil today, all day.

  5. Christina

    Outstanding job!!! You should be very proud. All the training you had done & you now reaped the benefits. You are going to smash the IM, because your just going to keep getting stronger.

  6. Hi Christina!

    Way to endure the tough conditions and cramping. This will only make you stronger for Lake Placid. You should be really proud of yourself, I know I am inspired by the way you gutted it out. Recover well.
