Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Head not on straight

It has been a full 2 days of no workouts. Not very typical for me, but couldn't get around it with the crazy weekend of hockey and yesterday's activities. Today I feel like I need to make up for it, but will try not to go too crazy. Actually, it was a good mental break.

Started off in the pool after I dropped the kids off at school. Ended up doing 3200 yards...main set was nothing to write home about. Just couldn't clear the brain today - for reasons unknown to me, some people just get me so out of whack- just don't how they can do the things they do, so it keeps churning in my mind over and over.

Then went to the gym to do 3-3-3 squats at 70% max weight. Warmed up with a 10 minute run. Squats felt good. Legs feel good. I can't wait until this week is over...did I ever mention I have a marathon to run on Sunday? Maybe that's another reason why I'm having issues with my head lately.


  1. Sunday's weather looks great. I think this may be your first marathon - you will do fine - just stick to the plan of fuel/water every 20 minutes. I have only done one, but often reflect on that one long run and only positive things come to mind.

  2. Will it be your first marathon? I think you are gonna do great! :)

  3. yes, first and IMLP will be my last. :)

  4. Somehow I don't think IMLP will be your last.

  5. Christina

    I can totally relate to the hockey thing. My son has been playing since 5. A lot of commitment by my wife & I. Early mornings, late nights etc. Now he is 13 @ the Bantam level, finished up one league 2 weeks ago, try outs for the CAHL's last week & another travel league @ the Taft School this week. Ugh! No wonder if our heads are on straight coupled with training for a IM. Yuor doing a great job. Enjoy your 1st marathon, you have put in the quality training & now your going to reap the benefits. Look forward to your race report.
