Wednesday, March 10, 2010

oh sun, i luv u

It is so nice to be outside and to feel that sun...not always great when you're sweating, but when it's this temperature, the addition of sunlight feels great. So I wasn't really looking forward to today as I had to do 4 x 1 mile run 100% efforts with 8 minutes rest in between. I decided that the track would be the best place for me so off to the HS I went. It was empty :)

I warmed up with 1/4 mile and then started. First one: 7:39 - i was pleasantly surprised, considering i started off huffing quite a bit. I was supposed to take 8 minutes rest, but ya know, I'm not too patient when it comes to this stuff- I took about 5 in between each one (enough time to stretch legs, get water, etc...). #2 -! #3 - 7:37 - i was starting to feel the lactic acid in my legs - that heavy feeling. And for #4, it was a push but I came in at 7:33. So glad that's over with for now.

Still had one more WOD - 5-5-5-5-5 squats. Legs were already warm, so started with 95 and then did 105, 115 and 125x2. I think that's the heaviest I've done so far, so it was a good day overall. Now for some stretching.


  1. I am jealous - I want to be outside and not behind my desk staring outside. Good job!

  2. yes, what Erica said... jealous! nice splits too!

  3. Super times on the run Christina, Nancy once had a license plate that read givmesun!

  4. Awesome splits. Can't wait to get to the track again myself.

  5. Great results Christina. It is so much nicer to be outside & at the same time getting great results. Well done!!!
