Monday, August 16, 2010

back to work...

Gym WOD of 1 minute, 2 min., up to 5 and then 5 again and back down to 1 minute. Rest 1 minute in between.

Distances as follows: .4, .8, 1.2, 1.68, 2.08, 2.11, 1.68, 1.27, .89, .48 = 12.59 miles in 30 min

2nd WOD - thought this was Fran, but forgot it was thrusters, not push-ups...oh well. 21, 15, 9 of pull ups on gravitron and push-ups (cross-fit). Time 5:05.

50 sit ups and 2 sets of 12 back and each side extensions.

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